showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014 airducts alarmers animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine clockpunk collectibles compass criware dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage formervaporware fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedsupplies lockpicking lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen npcworldchangeawareness nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot recycledtitle rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame stungrenades stunning subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise zoom labelimageminimize
Lords of the Fallen CI Games;Square Enix (Deck 13)2014 actionrpg axes bodyarmor castle darkfantasy deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery diaries fledge-engine fmod giantshoulderpads healingitems keys magic meleeweapons monsters nvgameworks physx rating-pegi-16 restingreset shields sorcery souljar soulslike stamina swords variableending walking wintery labelimagesubject
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice Muteki Corporation;Limited Run Games (Muteki Corporation)2016 adv-static amoeboids axes bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles captives castle chiroptera classbased combatmode commercial customengine download dragons encounters-random fantasyworld fictionaluniverse floatingeyes forest ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions group humans illequipped indie inventory knives license-proprietary magic meleeweapons menus merfolk monsters mystics nunchucks openal opengl pirates retro robots ruins sharks shields shopping skeletons sorcery staves steampowered subterranean swords tombstones town toxins undead unicorns walking watercraft werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
Castle Invasion: Throne Out ?2016 ... arcade castle invasion medieval protect tower labelimagesubject
Minecraft Dungeons Xbox Game Studios (Double Eleven;Mojang AB)2020 abilitycooldown actionrpg activeabilityset auras automap bossbattles castle cave chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative diablolike energyregen forest fortress genderchoice hackandslash healingitems healthpickups healthregen itemcomparison itemcooldown itemgenerator minecraft-series unrealengine4 labelminimizeminimize